Arcanamation specializes in the global distribution of animated content to yield the highest profit across the world’s top platforms. Connecting filmmakers and producers to a global audience, we’ll empower content owners by…
- Transparency of numbers
- Scheduled payments
- Quick access to the top streamers and broadcasters with the benefits we’ve cultivated over the years.
Arcanamation is an innovative leader in the distribution of intellectual properties across all platforms. The library of intellectual properties contains well over 5,000 characters that transcend gender, age, and cultural and geographic boundaries and is always looking to grow.
We’re happy to review submissions to see if they are a fit for Arcanamation. Inquire below.
Get your animation distributed wordwide
of numbers

How do I get an account?
Inquire through the contact form below, we’ll review your content and see if it’s a match for Arcanamation.
What types of Sales information are published on this site?
We do not publish anything on the site, and have a backend solution that confidentially shares records of the sales of your content.
How do I access raw transaction data for a single Title?
Sales information is compiled for each different title, showing the entire revenue breakdown on a quarterly basis.
How do I receive payments from my content?
We establish a direct deposit system for our partners.
How accurate is the information shown on the Earnings Statements?
We believe in complete transparency, as we know the frustrations content owners can have with distribution companies. We show our content provider partners what we receive from our streaming and broadcasting partners.